Saturday, December 27, 2008

Williams holidays, never a dull moment!

A very unflattering photo of me (ha!), looking extremely cultured with my "bib," eating a carrot. Mom and sis look great and Hannah looks her usual silly self, with a sucker in her mouth. Extremely messy, uh, excuse me, lived in house in the background.

Lots of love between these gals! Hannah, me, Mom

Well, we have sure had quite a week-and-a-half! On the same day my sister arrived, my dad began having chest pains and went to the hospital. He decided to have the surgery the next day, to have a chest stint put in (angiogram?), but the doctors found that he had the heart of a 20-year-old and clear arteries! What wonderful news. On the bad side, we still don't know what's causing his chest pains--it's stumped the doctors and my extremely brilliant physician assistant sister!

Anyway, things settled down after a couple of days and we were able to enjoy a nice full weekend of family, food and fun. My sis and I even got in some nice shopping together!

I think the bond between my sister and Hannah is so sweet. They have similar personalities that love practical jokes, laughing and have a general joie de vivre! It's so great to see them having fun together.

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